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Being a Writer: The Best and Worst

The 10 Best Things About Being a Writer

  1. You get to tell people you’re a writer (stoopid I know, but I have an ego to protect here).

  2. You get to make your own hours.

  3. You get to play with words. All. Day. Long…… Gawd I love words.

  4. You’re learning every second that you’re writing.

  5. You learn a lot about yourself, usually by accident.

  6. You can sleep in.

  7. You can stay up all night.

  8. When you’re on a roll, the high is amazing.

  9. You can wear PJs all day.

  10. There is no right or wrong answer. There’s just the story you tell.

The 10 Worst Things About Being a Writer

  1. No one believes you when you tell them you’re a writer.

  2. You get to make your own hours, which means you leave everything until a day before deadline.

  3. There is no perfect. There is no right or wrong. There is never a conclusive answer. You’ll be searching for it forever.

  4. It’s messy and emotional.

  5. You doubt yourself most of the time. You hate yourself often.

  6. You completely lose touch with the world when you’ve been inside your story for too long. Honesty – we all need to shower more.

  7. It’s sometimes very lonely.

  8. It’s sometimes very, very lonely.

  9. You no longer enjoy any story, novel, film because you’re too busy dissecting and judging the plot, characters or their actions.

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